BLISS & WISDOM foundation
of north america - new york

Founded in 1992 by Master Jih – Chang in Taiwan, Bliss and Wisdom strives to share Buddha’s teachings and foster a society of sincerity and harmony. Our global community, rooted in Buddhist principles and adapted to modern life, integrates monastic and lay practitioners to uphold Buddhist lineages and embody altruism. Recognized in Taiwan and worldwide, we promote mutual support and practical application of Buddhist teachings.

Our approach emphasizes collaboration between monastics and lay practitioners, nurturing talents and promoting precepts, learning, contemplation and practice. Through our initiatives of education, organic agriculture, and environmental protection, we empower individuals to integrate Buddhist values into daily life.

Established in 2004, the North America – New York chapter upholds Master Jih -Chang’s vision for spiritual growth and life fulfillment. Our Flushing – based New York Center hosts Dharma Assemblies and study groups, providing a holistic environment for physical, mental and spiritual well – being.

I am no stranger to failures, I just never let them defeat me.

Late Master Jih-Chang


As a group of young adults, we focus on fostering positivity and practicing altruism through the application
of OMAK – Observing Merits, Appreciating Kindness. This mindset helps us recognize kindness, no matter how big or small, all around us. We have also hosted Buddhism classes in partnership with student clubs across various universities throughout New York.

At the Bliss Wisdom Foundation of North America – New York chapter, we meet weekly for Buddhism study groups, which are conducted in either Chinese or English, to delve into the commentary of “The Great Stages of the path to Enlightenment” (Lamrim) which serves as the main reference of our studies.

We welcome friends from all religions and spiritual backgrounds. Our gatherings and activities promote holistic well-being, environmental care, gratitude and more. We engage in tree planting, beach clean – up, forest restoration with NYC & Parks, as well as serving the homeless and volunteering at senior centers. Join us in our journey of caring for the environment, being of service to our community, and spreading kindness!

BUDDHISM Study Groups

Our weekly Buddhist study groups are based on The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim) by the great Tibetan Dharma Master Tsong-Kha-Pa

We cultivate a supportive, positive community dedicated to learning, contemplating and practicing Buddhism. Through studying the text and constructive discussions, we expand our understanding of ourselves and the world. We encourage and uplift each other to achieve spiritual growth, embracing mindfulness and altruism as transformative forces.

Join us in discovering Buddhism’s wisdom and compassion! Study groups are conducted both online and in-person and available in English or Chinese.